Who is the EFI Expert?
Richard Nedbal used to own Mopar Engines West. When he passed that business over to his partner, Rich kept the electronics portion and started FAST Man EFI more than 15 years ago. Richard has been involved with EFI for more than 40 years when he did EFI research at Mellon Institute in Pittsburg PA.
Richard is a strange cross-mix of an electronics engineer, an engine builder, a racer, and an author. He started designing EFI hardware in the 1970s. He wrote “ENCODED" and "How to Build Max-Performance HEMI Engines”, and a memoir about growing up in the 50s and 60s in the Midwest entitled “Dickie, Memoirs of a Mad Scientist.”
Since he understands software, computers, EFI and the physics of internal combustion engines he was a natural to start FAST Man EFI. He has published numerous articles on EFI and engine building.
Holley and FAST EFI
And ALL the accessories